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What's your question? For May 6, ‘09


What is emotionalism?


The Bible teaches that we should have emotion – such as love, joy, peace, hope, etc., but it does not teach emotionalism. In fact, it warns against following our feeling. Saul of Tarsus felt right when he was doing things contrary to Jesus (Acts 26:9). The Ethiopian “went on his way rejoicing” because he had obeyed truth (Acts 8:39). Both felt they were right in their action. The difference? One knew he was right because he felt right (emotionalism), the other knew the truth and therefore had joy (an emotion). When people offer their feelings as evidence that you should accept their teaching – that is emotionalism. Solomon said, “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool…” (Prov. 26:28). Surely not everyone who feels right is right! Feeling is not evidence, but true emotion is produced by obedience to the truth. 

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