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What’s Your Question? for Feb. 25,09

Daniel said Michael was "one of the chief princes" (Dan. 10:13). Jude called him "the archangel" (v. 9). The Watchtower Society teaches Jesus "bore another name in heaven, which is Michael" ("The Truth Shall Make You Free," p. 49). Joseph Smith taught that Adam was "Michael, the prince, the archangel" (D & C 107:54). The Bible says when Jesus became a man, "He was made a little lower than the angels" (Heb. 2:9), and that God never called an angel His Son (Heb. 1:5). When Jesus came, He was "GOD manifested in the flesh" (1 Tim. 3:16); so He was not Adam, nor Michael. Angels are not to be worshiped (Rev. 22:8,9), but God said "Let all the angels of God worship Him" (Heb. 1:6). Jesus often accepted worship (Mt. 8:2; 9:18; 14:33; 15:25). The Father called the Son GOD (Heb. 1:8), and so should we!


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