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What’s Your Question? For Feb. 14

Why is the Bible so difficult?

Studying the Bible is much like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. It is easier if you have seen the picture. Many read the Bible like trying to put the puzzle together without seeing the picture.

God’s plan is summarized in Gal. 3:15-29. Study it carefully and you will see the promises to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3), the giving of the Law to Israel (Ex. 20), and the fulfillment of God’s promise to bless all nations in the seed of Abraham. The Old Covenant served as a tutor (bus driver) to bring the Jews to Christ, but after Christ came they were no longer under the bus driver. Those who obey "the faith" are heirs of the promise to Abraham.



                       Copyright Midway Church of Christ 2014    This page last modified July 03, 2014