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What’s Your Question? for Nov. 11, 2009


Why is apostasy progressive?


When disciples decided to add a Missionary Society to the organization God authorized (in 1849), instrumental music and many other departures were soon added, resulting in total apostasy. Why? Men measured themselves by themselves (2 Cor. 10:12). When churches began building kitchens and “fellowship halls,” some said: if we can do that, then we can add recreation, entertainment, and whatever draws people. Paul knew what people are converted with, they are converted to (1 Cor. 2:1-5). Those who ignore God’s instructions in 1 Cor. 11:22,34, and provide social meals, cannot object to other departures, because “if we can do that, we can do this.” Apostasy inevitably grows when men reject God’s pattern and use their own practices as their standard. Many of us still believe in speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent where it is silent (1 Pet. 4:11).


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