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What’s Your Question? for Jan. 5, 2011

How did Jesus establish Bible authority?

When Jesus was asked whether it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife, He said, “Have you not read” what God said in the beginning, and He quoted Genesis 2:24 (Mt. 19:5,6). This was a precept (a statement of fact), which revealed God’s will. He also used the example of Adam and Eve (the male and female, He had created), and drew a necessary inference (conclusion) from this example. He also used generic authority – a man and a wife (vs. 5,9), which includes all men and women. When He specified “male and female,” that  excludes any other relationship. Then, He gave a specific  reason for divorce and remarriage – fornication (v. 9). These are the ways God has always communicated His will to men and they are the ways we communicate our wills to one another.


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