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What’s Your Question? for March 9, 2011

How did Satan use Scripture?

When Jesus was tempted by Satan, He quoted Scripture to answer every temptation (Mt. 4:1-11). In the second temptation, Satan also quoted Scripture (Ps. 91:11,12). First, he used this Scripture out of  context. God was not promising a person who willfully jumped off a mountain (testing God) that he would not be hurt, but was promising providential protection for His servants.   Second, Satan was using one Scripture (Ps. 91) to try to get Jesus to violate another (Dt. 6:16). When men quote Scripture out of context, or quote one verse (for example, Acts 16:31 “believe on the Lord”) to try to avoid another verse (for example, Acts 22:16 “be baptized and wash away your sins”), they are not handling Scripture properly. When we follow the example of Jesus we accept the entirety of God’s word in context (Ps. 119:160).


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